domingo, 21 de outubro de 2012

Live model drawings

These live model studies, while still far from what I want, are the best I've done so far. They all share the same technique and material, which is an amazing old Contè pencil (extra fine drawing pencil n.1) that isn't made anymore (of which I only have one) on a fabriano f4 paper toned with watercolor. I'm aiming to study at the Repin school in St. Petersburg, and hopefully in 2 years I will have enough money and skills to get accepted there.

Head studies

Three head studies from life, older one is bellow, newest on the top. It was black colored pencil (prismacolor verithin) for the top one on a smooth strathmore paper, and graphite on paper for the bottom two.

Long post - way overdue

I apologize for those who followed this blog in the English language, as I've been neglecting it for the past year. I have kept it updated for the most part but after a while I just started ignoring it for longer periods of time, always promising that I wouldd do a big update as soon as I could. So I suppose the time has come, and it's way overdue..

I won't put up every image that I posted on the Portuguese version, only the ones I think are more interesting. To avoid flooding one message with many images, I'll split it up in 2 or 3 different posts, with brief explanatory texts on each. So, to begin..

This is a study I did while working for the Brazilian mint. It was a 6 month internship, and I was supervised by the main engraver there. They don't engrave manually with the burin anymore, so all the work apart from the preliminary drawing is made in the computer with a tablet. In this case I decided to do most of the work with an ink pen, though I would have to retrace it on the computer later (on a much smaller scale) for the machine to engrave it.

This is a study for a Lithograph I finished a few weeks ago. As soon as I get it home I'll photograph it and post the end result, which isn't nearly as good as I had hoped it would be.